so .. you want to learn to animate.

Here is a one frame gif we found to work with.
Guillotine (ugly! isn't it.)

First: You have to clean it up.
We Remove unnecessary marks by compositing small blocks and floodfill a background color.
You cover the bad spots with the orange blocks,
Then you change the color of them to green.
Work 1
Work 2

 Second: Remove (crop out) the blade and give it a transparent background.
So it could be placed at the top, center, bottom, and +25 above and below the center.
Work 3

The blade was put in those spots on a No blade version, made by compositing a green block over the blade.
Work 4

Each of the new frames were put into a directory then animated at Image Magick.
In this case, at a speed of 10 delay 0 loop.
Zero Loop means continue to run.

* Click HERE * for the electric version.
(manual version shown below)

Move Cursor Slowly Across To Activate
The Head Remover.

The Blues King